Roads & Highways

Road Asset Management Project II: Implementation Support and Works Supervision (ISWS)

Client: Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Location: Cambodia
Status: Ongoing

Project Description

The Project Development Objective (PDO) of the Road Asset Management Project II for Cambodia is to improve the condition, safety, and climate resilience of selected national road corridors in the country. The project will achieve this objective through the systematic introduction of designs that include climate roofing, road safety measures, and the use of performance based contracts; and by enhancing the Ministry of Public Works and Transport's (MPWT) capacity to carry out road maintenance planning, contracting, and management.
The project is comprised of two components:
  • Road asset management component is to support the preservation of MPWT's road network and provide implementation support for the design and supervision of works.

  • System upgrading and capacity development.

As Implementation Support and Work Supervision (ISWS) consultancy is for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) to be supported by Engineering and Management Services. The Engineering services will include but not limited to the supervision and monitoring of the four works contracts. Advise to MPWT on all facts of project implementation so as to ensure the efficient and effective completion of the project which civil works are the Periodic and Routine Maintenance using Performance Based Contracting (PBC).