Roads & Highways, Contract Administration

Design Review & Construction Supervision of Outer Ring Road in Kenya

Client: Kenya Urban Roads Authority
Location: Kenya
Status: Ongoing

Project Description

The project, funded by the Asian Development Bank, involves upgrading to paved (bituminous) standards the Outer Ring Road in Nairobi City County. The length of the project road is 13 km including loops. The existing road is a single carriage way with an average width of 7 m. The project will facilitate smooth traffic movement, saving travel time and reducing travel cost to the communities.

The project road starts from Nairobi-Thika Highway at the GSU roundabout, approximately 7 km from Globe Cinema Roundabout and runs in east through important and busy road junctions in the city to join the Eastern bypass. The road crosses by a Railway Over Bridge (ROB) at Ch. 4+220. The road then runs parallel to the railway line from approximately Ch. 7+920 to Ch. 10+100 and crosses it at Ch. 10+110. There are three major rivers along the road alignment.
LEA's scope of services includes: design review and construction supervision involving establishment of a quality management system, review of design, detailed design review, supervision of entire construction, monitoring of contractors work progress, identification of source materials, measurement of works and certification, and monitoring of environmental protection.