Asset Management
Efficient road networks are essential for economic development. There are countless benefits to implementing effective asset management policies and systems to help maintain this vital infrastructure. Loss of asset value can be minimized, users save fuel by ensuring adequate riding quality, and the environmental impact of infrastructure is minimized by efficiently using road building materials and using optimal design and construction standards. These benefits culminate in safer, higher quality, and longer lasting roads.
LEA is one of the pioneers in developing and implementing asset management systems in India and Africa.
LEA services include:
Preparing System Requirement Specifications (SRS) and design documents
Developing customized software Web-GIS solutions in several web and database technologies
Configuring solutions in any commercial off-the-shelf software and integrating with legacy systems
Collecting and establishing a comprehensive spatial data platform for asset management solutions using state-of-the-art laser, high resolution camera and DGPS mounted vehicles
Developing mobile/tablet based platform for data collection, reporting and performance monitoring
Preparing asset management policy, standards for sustainable implementation
Preparing long-range, and immediate asset management plans for road and bridge infrastructure and assisting client to implement large provincial programs
Some of our successful implementations include:
In India
Mizoram Road Asset Management System (Ongoing)
Embankment Asset Management System-Gandak River (Ongoing)
Assam Road Asset Management System (2015-18)
Rajasthan Road Asset Management System (2016-17)
Embankment Asset Management System-Koshi River (2014-16)
Odisha Road Asset Management System (2011-15)
North-Eastern States Road Management System (2012-14)
Gujarat Road Management System (2003-06)
4 States Pavement Management System (1992-95)
In Africa: