Roads & Highways
LEA’s Roads and Highways team provides a vast and diverse range of services to serve all clients. LEA has been providing conceptual, functional, preliminary, and detailed design services to large government organizations on countless highway and freeway assignments around the world for decades. Types of highway projects include highway realignment, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and design support for bridge replacements.
Our services include:
Grading and ditching
Roadside safety
Traffic staging
Utility coordination and relocation
Drainage, hydrology, and SWM
Value engineering
Quantities and cost estimates
Contract document and tender preparation
Design support during construction
Public-Private Partnership (P3) / Build–operate–transfer (BOT) / Annuity / Design Build (DB)
Pre bid and post bid services
Detailed engineering design
Project management consultancy
Lenders engineering services
Proof checking
Project preparation and design engineering
Construction supervision
Design review
Quality management and quality audit
Project planning and scheduling
Contract administration
Financial management
Road safety audit
Environment and social management
Risk analysis
Maintenance supervision and management
Operation and maintenance
Output and performance based road contract (OPRC)
Performance based maintenance contract (PBMC)
Rehabilitation strategies
Our team has played various roles on highway projects around the world including, project engineers, design managers, and project managers responsible for a large multi-disciplinary team.
Some of our completed or ongoing projects include:
Widening of 9 km of Highway 7 through Vaughan and Richmond Hill from 4 to 6 lanes to accommodate new VIVA lanes ($300 million Design-Build project).
Rehabilitation of Highway 60, Highway 35, and Highway 118. This MTO project included rehabilitation of 19.2 km of highways, replacement of 3 structural culverts, and rehabilitation of 5 bridges (Capital cost: $30 million).
Chandikhole-Paradip Road. This project involved Design Review of 2-lane rigid and 2-lane flexible road, structures, pavement, construction supervision of road and structural works, quality control and assurance, contract management, quantity certification and payments certification, safety assurance, issuance of completion certificate and inspection during defect liability period.
Reconstruction of 42.5 km of MTO Highway 539 including replacement of various centerline culverts (Capital cost: $12.5 million – ongoing).
Supervision for 4-lane NH Connectivity to proposed International Container Transshipment Terminal. The work involved designing complex ground improvement techniques including, stone columns, vertical band drain, stage construction, and basal reinforcement.