Smart Technology
& Innovation


At LEA we are constantly advancing the application and integration of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies to make transportation systems safe, efficient, and sustainable. With the evolving use of advanced technology applications for ITS, today’s projects require a unique combination of individuals with specialized skills. LEA has over 15 years of extensive experience in successfully integrating and managing multidisciplinary teams. Our experience, paired with our commitment to providing innovative, highly-advanced, and cost-effective ITS solutions, helps our clients and partners achieve their goals.

LEA provides a full range of services in the planning, design, procurement, contract management, and systems integration of simple and complex transportation systems.
Our services include:
  • Traffic signal control systems

  • Traffic signal & illumination design

  • Traffic management systems

  • Public transit systems

  • Traveler information systems

  • Parking systems

  • Fare collection systems

  • Road weather information systems

  • Contract administration for system deployment

A stock photo of CCTV security cameras.

We also have an impressive track record in executing Traffic Management Systems (TMS) projects for our public-sector clients involving the planning, design, and deployment of various TMS for arterial and freeway corridors. Systems include vehicle detection, CCTV, dynamic message signs, queue warning, ramp metering, travel time, road weather information, weigh-in-motion, lane control and management, and communications. We have also applied our expertise to the design of TMS for bridges and tunnels.


LEA is also one of the few Canadian consulting firms fully pre-qualified to conduct work under the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) specialty for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) including work related to MTO’s COMPASS system and other highway ITS initiatives. The ATMS RAQS specialty categories that LEA is pre-qualified in include:

  • ATMS product, process, and strategic development

  • Central system and field controller software design

  • Electronic subsystem design, construction contract administration, and specialized inspection services

With decades of experience in designing traffic signals and illumination, LEA has a thorough understanding of analysis and design principles as they relate to traffic signal and lighting layouts, pavement markings, roadway signing, traffic signal operations, and the design of control and timing strategies. Our expertise also extends to the planning and design of centralized traffic signal control systems and advanced transit signal priority operations.