Modelling & Signaling
LEA has decades of experience carrying out Comprehensive Transportation Studies (CTS), Comprehensive Mobility Plans (CMP), and Integrated Mobility Plans (IMP) on projects in which travel demand modelling played an important role. Under travel demand modelling, models such as trip generation, trip distribution, mode-choice, and assignment models are calibrated, validated, and revalidated by making use of primary and secondary data for the base year. Travel demand models are used for assessing travel demand and the future transport network in the immediate-, short-, medium-, and long-term.
Traffic signals play a major role in the management of traffic at intersections, reducing traffic conflicts, and accidents. As part of intersection improvement studies, traffic signals are designed and optimized based on classified traffic volume counts, pedestrian counts, and warrants or guidelines. In CTS, CMP, or IMP studies at the corridor or area level, traffic signals are optimized and Automatic Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) are recommended to ensure minimal delays, reduction of stops, and other management benefits.